Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Father's Day

We have been working very hard to get our house spit and polished. Very Hard. So hard in fact, I have had some falls. I had bruises all over my legs and back side. It's now been 3 weeks and the bruises are gone, but my left thigh has hurt worse each day. I don't know what it feels like to have a broken hip so I can't say for sure. I can't raise my leg laying down. With each day I have increasing pain where my leg bends. I've wondered if I pulled muscles or tendons. Or, maybe I have some type of fracture. I don't know if I'm just so exhausted from working so hard. Plus I am out of one of my medications that counteracts some side effects of medications I'm on which make me stay awake. So, for the last 3 weeks I also have been staying awake til 3 or 5. I keep on working and I have to say I'm a little worn out. I have to find a new doctor to evaluate me. My last one is no longer practicing. I'm really about to be out of 2 more prescriptions. The clock is ticking.

Anyway, we have worked so hard on the house. It is looking so good. We still need to do some more work. Never ending right? We have 2 bedrooms downstairs that still need painting. Maybe someday a bathroom will go in downstairs. Maybe a kitchen and family room also. We've been here 17 years. It's just amazing how much still could be done.

As part of the rewards of all this work was Father's Day which was so nice. After having a taco bar for dinner we christened the new fire pit and had smores for desert. We laughed and really had a wonderful time. We created such great memories. I don't think Scott could have asked for a better evening.

Very blessed. That's really all I can say. 
It's been awhile. My body hasn't been what I want it to be. So, I'm going to share a little at a time, moving slowly to share what's been so awesome in my life.

Mainly awesome is just getting out of bed and seeing a beautiful day. The smell of clean air. A hug and smile from the one I love.

Share you later😀

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Better effort

I've been busy. I'm going to give a better effort in journaling.

On my mind recently is my husband. For years he has been wanting to move. It started not long after our second child graduated from high school. I kept saying no. Well, he said he had a feeling we are supposed to. We fasted and prayed over the issue. Our answer was we are to move. I'm not happy about it. I like my neighbors, my house, my location in the valley. I can't deny the overwhelming nudge.

We have signed with a  realtor. We set a goal to have our house on the market May 22. I've spent the week boxing things up. As a side note: I forget that my body has undergone a transformation and can't do things like it once did.

A pod was delivered saturday to hold our stuff. We've picked colors to paint some of the rooms in our house. We have installed new fausetts, and lights. Hopefully we won't need to do anymore. I'm so exhausted.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Be inspired

I recently received an ipad as a gift. With this I decided to start a note page with inspiring quotes, thoughts, and scriptures. I have also started to underline the scriptures used in church. I have been feeling very uplifted as of late. Who knew that an electronic device could do so much to lift the spirits. I've picked these up at church, TV, pinterest, and other bloggers.

So I thought I would share some:

Life quotes. Friend Quotes. Friendship quotes. Be with those who bring out the best in you.

I`ll try//

Hope you enjoy.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Grand New Years Eve

I thought I posted this but didn't. Better late than never.

Our end of year celebration was so fantastic. We went to see Bernadette Peters in Park City.
Scott has had a secret crush on Ms Peter's for as long as I can remember. I've ratted him out now. We had such a wonderful time. She sang and entertained us and made the evening so great. She sang songs from the shows she has been in. She made us laugh, and yes she made me cry. 

Before we went to the show we ate in Heber. 

Monday, December 16, 2013

Scott and I ventured out to shop at City Creek. This was our first time to really do some damage to the pocket books. We stopped in and ate at Cheesecake Factory. We had a gift card from Christmas last year. Thank you for that gift! We were able to get a good portion of our shopping done. We had to stop because I just couldn't walk anymore.
Isn't he so handsome! This is just off from where Santa is.       
Scott is a really good sport. We looked at so much. The Tiffany Store is amazing! So much Glitter! Every diamond sparkled and it was a treat. We didn't go in Pandora or Swarovski. Maybe next time. We also didn't see any of the lights or the store front windows. We are planning to go as a family next week so we wanted to be surprised. I think I'll have to go in the wheelchair for that trip. Cause we will go over to Temple Square too.

I thought for sure I would sleep like a baby. Nope, for the last 5 nights I can't fall to sleep before 2. It's a stupid cycle I get in. I never take a nap either.

We are slow to get the tree up. Well it's up, but no lights. A goal for today and tomorrow.
Just happy to be able to see the tree and the lights on at other peoples homes.

We want to give and do so much. Our pockets just aren't deep enough. It's hard to choose one charity over another. I always give throughout the year to the Road Home, Children's Justice Center, Red Cross, Shriner's Hospital in SLC (since I spent so much of my youth there), Christmas Box House, and Food Pantry. I try to also to give to penny's by the inch, quarters for Christmas, Secret Santa. If you can choose even one of these to also donate that would be wonderful. Your heart will hear it and your community will be grateful.

I know I am blessed. I don't have all the things I want. No one really should. I do have the most important things. A wonderful husband. One terrific son and lovable daughter-in-law, and a fantastic son. I have a home that protects me from the elements and it's large enough to have family gatherings in. I have the Savior in my heart. I can do so much. I used to be grateful that I live in this time period. It's still true. I am so very thankful for the abilities I do have, and that I can do hard things. My motto. I can do hard things.

I hope you can do hard things too. That you are grateful for all you have, you are able have sufficient for your needs, and can share with others.

Thursday, October 24, 2013


My meds make me wide awake, and yet I still hurt. It's 2:26 am. I try breathing techniques, spooning, pretending I'm a bag of sand that's draining sway and making my muscles tingly or a ballon floating away. No good plus I get so thirsty and drink a lot of water during the night. 

Although yesterday was productive. I vacuumed. Practiced my piano (I'll be pro before I know it). Started to sew a Christmas stocking, as I have a new daughter in-law. Repairing the old ones. I took all of my books out of my shelf and cleaned it. Yea me!  I am still hurting from leaning against he couch arm with my middle back. It's been four days now. Ready for it to stop. It's in the area of my shunt and the no vertebrae. Whine, whine. I also took the dog for her walk and did dishes. 

It was so beautiful out. It's good Annie insists on a walk.